Golf Game

A priest, a doctor and an engineer play golf. They wait after a group of golfers particularly slow. After a while, the engineer explodes and says:
– But what are they doing? It’s been a quarter of an hour we wait, the!
The doctor intervenes, exasperated too:
– I do not know, but I’ve never seen people go so bad!
The pastor said,
“Wait, here’s someone from golf. We just have to ask him!
– Excuse me ! Tell me, is there a problem with the front group? They are rather slow, right?
– Oh yes, it’s a group of blind firefighters. They lost their sight trying to save the golf of the flames last year, so since then
The group remains silent for a moment, and the cure says:
– It’s so sad. I will make a prayer especially for them tonight.
The doctor adds:
– Good idea. And I will contact an ophthalmologist friend to see what he can do.
And the engineer:
– Why do not they play at night rather than annoy the world?

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