You do not have to take credit for a downed twin-exhaust Golf at 18.
You do not have to pee with strangers in a row.
In the cinema, you can howl unrestrainedly without anyone looking stupid.

The expiry date of yogurts in your fridge has not expired.

You do not have to carry your phone on a silly belt pouch.

You can prepare your own food.
Once a month you can be really bitchy without giving reasons.

You have no stress at a red light just because you have a Porsche next to you and you know how mercilessly it will accelerate.
You do not have to participate in white water rafting at 0 ° C just because your buddies are doing it.

You can take photos where people have heads and feet.
You do not forget constantly important birthdays.

You can spend whole afternoons in the playground with your own or a stranger, without anyone looking funny.
You never fuck yourself a collar with shaving wounds.

Your Sundays are not spoiled because of previous bouts.
You can remember more than two phone numbers.
Every shoe salesman shines when you enter the store.
You can move many things just by blinking your eyelashes.

You do not need to go astray because you have no problem asking for directions.

You do not need to be able to memorize the names of all Bundesliga coaches and the Formula 1 World Champions of the last 10 years.
You do not expect the answer to the question: How was I?

Nobody laughs when you are under 1.80m and you do not come to the upper shelf in the supermarket.
You can do more than one thing at a time.
For thinking you need nothing but your brain.

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If you’ve ironed a garment, you can see it too.
You have a realistic relationship with the size 20cm …
… it is just nice to be a woman.