The three elders

One warm summer afternoon, when the sun was about to set, a woman went out to the garden of her house with a big jug of water in her hands to water the flowers. She loved the plants and she liked nothing more than to take care of them with care!

As he contemplated his beautiful begonias, he observed that three old men with snow-white beards passed through the fence of their property and sat on the grass. Missed, she left the jar on the stone bench in the doorway and went over to talk to them.

  • Good afternoon gentlemen. I do not know them … Are they our new neighbors?

One of the elders, the one sitting on his right, hurried to answer:

  • No, ma’am, we’re not from around here.

The woman realized that they were very old and that they also looked tired and hungry. Generously, he encouraged them to enter.

  • I have the feeling that they have an appetite and I would like to invite you to try the stew that I have just prepared. My husband and I will be happy to share our humble table with you.

The elders looked at each other and the one sitting on the left spoke.

  • You are very kind but we can not be invited to a house all three together.

The woman was stupefied.

  • Excuse me, but I do not understand what you’re saying. What do you mean the three can not go through together? My house is not very big but there is room for everyone.

The third elder, standing in the middle of the other two, smiled and explained everything.

  • My name is Wealth and I come to bring you all the fortune you can imagine. My partner on the right is called Success and comes loaded with fame and honors. The one sitting on my left is called Love and wants to give them affection and tenderness in abundance.
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For a moment the woman thought that these strange guys were teasing her but before she could say anything, Richee kept talking.

  • Only one of us will be able to dine with you, because you must choose between wealth, success or love. Do not worry, we’ll wait here while you decide with your family.

The woman nodded and ran into the house. Her husband was lying in bed, very focused on reading the book he had in his hands; his daughter, a pretty ten-year-old girl, sitting on the wooden floor combed her favorite doll.

  • Listen to me, please, I have something urgent to tell you!

The two looked at her intrigued and she told word by word the conversation she had just had with the white-bearded elders. When it was over, her husband thought that everything was very strange.

  • Calm down, honey! Is not it a joke?
  • No, no, I assure you that they tell the truth. I know how to recognize when someone lies shamelessly and these three gentlemen seem very sincere!
  • Well, let’s assume you’re right. If what they say is true, this is an incredible opportunity that we can not miss!
  • Yes, yes it is, but we have to hurry and decide which of the three we invite to dinner!

The man started pacing from side to side more nervous than a lizard inside a shoe box.

  • I think we should choose Wealth … Can you imagine what it would be like to be rich forever? We would have everything and we would live like kings!
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The wife shook her head.

  • Oops, I do not know, I do not know! … I do not have anything clear. Would not it be better to invite Éxito? We would be admired by everyone and people would treat us in a special way. I have always wanted to be a famous and important person!

The girl, who listened carefully to the conversation, looked at them in disbelief and expressed her most sincere opinion.

  • Dad, mom, I do not understand you! Love is the most important thing in life and it is Love that we should invite to dinner.

The parents were silent and felt deeply ashamed. The mother crouched down and caressed his face, said:

  • You’re right, honey, love is what has more value.

The father also stood up and recognized his mistake.

  • Oh, my daughter, how well you speak and how well you reason! Right now I’m going to tell you our decision!

Barefoot as he was, he went out into the garden and saw the three elders waiting in silence, just as they had promised.

  • Gentlemen, we would like very much for all three to pass, but since we can only choose one, we have decided that we will gladly invite Love. If you are so kind, please join me.

Love, the old man with more expensive good-natured, approached him and together they walked on the grass. They entered the house and the woman told her to sit down at the table.

  • It’s a pleasure to have you with us, Mr. Love.

The old man smiled and took a seat. At that same moment, the other two showed up in the dining room. The family looked bewildered and the woman approached them with kindness.

  • Come in, please, they’re in your house. We are happy that you also join the dinner but I would like to know why in the end all three accept our invitation. They made us choose one and we decided that it was Love … Sorry, but the truth is that I do not understand anything!
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Mr. Love looked at the girl who was sitting next to him, winked at him, and solved the mystery.

  • You see, good woman, everything has an easy explanation: if I had chosen success or wealth the other two would have stayed outside, but they have chosen me, and where I go they go, because where there is love, there is always success and wealth.

Now everything was clear! Marriage understood that living surrounded by love is what really gives complete happiness. Thanks to their wonderful daughter they had chosen well, because love would also bring them success and wealth in life.

The six gave each other a warm hug and then shared the aromatic homemade stew, which by the way, was to suck your fingers.