The Story of the Three Moles

The Story of the Three Moles

The Story of the Three Moles
Pushing the limits of this sub…

Once upon a time, there were three moles: a mama mole, a papa mole, and a baby mole.

One bright sunny morning, the mama mole poked her nose out of their hole, took a deep

breath, and said, “ah, I smell bacon!”

Hearing this, the papa mole wedged himself beside his wife until his nose was also outside,

took a deep breath, and said, “ah, I smell pancakes!”

The baby mole wanted to smell, too, but try as she might,

she could never get past the bodies of her parents,

who were blocking the way. Finally, she sat down,

dejected. “Aw,” she said,

“all I smell is molasses.”

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