The little maline

A mother asks her 8-year-old daughter: “My darling, could you get me some bread at the bakery? “

The little girl takes the money that her mother gives her for bread, and leaves. When she returns, she holds in one hand the wand, in the other hand a ticket of 100 euros.

Perplexed, the mother prefers not to act as if nothing had happened, but the next day, she asks her daughter to pick up the bread at the bakery, and looks forward to the return of her daughter. When it returns finally, she holds the wand in one hand and a ticket, this time 200 euros, in the other. This time, the mother does not resist anymore and asks her:

  • My darling! Where did you get all that money?
  • Well, you see it’s a group of boys, they told me that if I climbed on a pole and they would give me money.
  • They did have you darling! They just wanted to see your panties under your dress! Said the mother smiling.
  • Ah well then I had them well, said the little girl laughing, because I had not put!
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