Men Meeting in A Steam Room

Men Meeting in A Steam Room

It happens in a steam room … Some men in light clothes talk, when suddenly, a laptop starts to ring .. 
– “Honey, you will not believe me, I’m in front of a fur store, aie, Oh, dear, the shopkeeper …, honey, they have a vison … maaaaagnifique, of great beauty, has a priiiiiix … incredible … 
– “Given, my love, given … 30 000 francs. .. you realize? 
– “Please, darling, he is really..supeeeeeerbe!
– “Oh, thank you my love, say, I do not want to bother you, but you know, passing by the Mercedes dealer earlier, I saw the last coupe … it’s booooooo! .. in addition, I spoke to the seller, the one on show is all neeeuf, interior cooking, golden paint … I do not want to abuse your kindness, but what do you think 
you’re going to do? – “You’re not going to believe, my darling, they leave us at 450 000 francs, with all the options !!! ” 
-” Well, OK, OK, we have money, go ahead .. take it, your car! “
– “My love, I love you, it’s wonderful life with you! Say, I’m abusing, but you remember our little trip to the azuuuur coast? Remember the Cohen house with the pool , tennis, you know she’s on sale? I’ve seen it in front of the agency! And if we bought it   to have a pied-à-terre in suuuud? ” 
-” It’s true Honey, did you think about it, can I really go to the agency, you know, it’s really not expensive, and what’s the matter! ” How much is it worth? 
– “They posted it to 4 million two hundred thousand, my love” 
– “Well, you go, anyway,   I have money, as much to spend it … but not more than 4 million”
– “My love, it’s the most beautiful day of my life! You’re wonderful, I love you, warmly tonight!” 
 The guy hangs up, raises his hand and shouts: 

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