Dead Horse In the Street

Dead Horse In the Street

He is a stutterer who one day finds a dead horse in the street, just in front of his house. He calls the police station;

  • Good..good … good … hello! It’s … it’s … it’s … it’s the … co … commi … commissariat?
  • Hello? Yes it is the police station. What do you want?
  • Y..y..y … there is a che..che..che..hy … rr..rrue Gaga … Ga..Gaga..Gaga … – At Garibaldi Street?
  • No ! At the r … rr..rrue Gaga … Ga..Gaga..Gaga …
  • Well, I do not have that to do, huh? So good day! [clac!]

Five minutes later: – Bbb..bbb.bbb … bonjj jj … hello! It’s … it’s … it’s … it’s the … co … commisss … ssariat?

  • Hello? Yes it is the police station.
  • Y..y..y … there is a che..che..che..cheval there is a che-horse a rr … rr. .rrue Gaga … Ga..Gaga..Gaga …
  • At Garibaldi Street?
  • Nnnon! No, at the r … rr..rrue Gaga … Ga..Gaga..Gaga …
  • Well, listen, the joke is not funny! So good day! [clac!]

Then another five minutes later:

  • Bbb..bbb.bbb … bonjj jj … hello! It’s … it’s … it’s … it’s the … co … committed … police station?
  • Hello? Yes it is the police station. You again ! what is your horse story?
  • Y..y..y … there is a che..che..che..male … rr..rue Gaga … Ga ..Gaga..Gaga …
  • At Garibaldi Street?
  • Nnnon! At the r … rr..rrue Gaga … Ga..Gaga..Gaga … – (clac!)


  • Bbb..bbb.bbb … bonjj jj .. .Hello! It’s … it’s … it’s … it’s the … co … commi … ssariat? – Yes !
  • Y..y..y … there is a che..che..che..cheval to the rr..rr..rrue Gaga … Ga. .Gaga..Gaga …
  • At Garibaldi Street?
  • Yesiiiiii!
  • But we had to tell it earlier! Finally, why wait so long?
  • He has done so much that I have. jj..j that jj .. that I move it!
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