John asks his high school crush Mary

John asks his high school crush Mary

John asks his high school crush Mary to the senior prom The day arrives, and he picks her up in his dad’s car, sporting a fresh new suit, and he’s just buzzing with excitement to be going out with the most beautiful girl in the world.

Once they arrive Mary insists they take their picture together – it’s a long line of other couples but eventually they get to the front and get their picture

Afterward they make their way to the auditorium and Mary turns to John and says, “ooohh they have cookies! Will you get me one?” John quickly obliges, only to find that there’s another long

line at the concession table. He eventually secures a chocolate chip cookie and brings it over to Mary.

“This is amazing but listen, I didn’t have diner yet, will you get me a slice of pizza?” John agrees, eager to make his date happy and once again waits in the long line for pizza.

He returns with the food and watches her eat, very eager to get to dance with her. She looks up at him and bats her eyelashes “John, this has all made me rather thirsty, will you bring me a

glass of punch?”

John obliges again, eager to impress his date. He makes his way over to the drink table and finds that there’s no punch line.

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