“Terrible!” Roared Jean-Mark. “Just disgusting.”
When he entered the Rosenberg’s house.
“This traffic, there are only idiots on the street.”
Marie-Claude walked down the large staircase of her parents’ house in the lobby and asked. “Was it really that bad, or did something else happen to you, darling?”
“First this stupid contract with the Kaschmeiers, and then they want to think it over. Eight weeks work, for what. “He shrugged. “And then the idiot came out of the one-way street and takes the right of way.”
Jean-Mark shook his head. “The Cola truck was probably still fast around the corner and has paved with his load the bus stop. You can not imagine what that screaming and rebellion was. It took the police a quarter of an hour to get the traffic past again. ”
” Jean-Mark, you’re home now and you do not have to drive anymore. ”
” That was not all, “Jean-Mark shook his head again. “This new security man, down at the driveway of the district also said I should not drive in here with my old Volvo. It took a good hour for me to tell him to look it up in the list. “
“That can not be, I phoned your secretary three quarters of an hour ago. She said that you just left the office. ”
” Okay, then it felt like the security man took so long. ”
” Jean-Mark gets it right first. Then tell me what you want to eat, so that Bruno can drive us to the restaurant and then into the theater. ”
” How true to Italian. ”
” Sounds good and it does not take too long. Now come and go freshen up, then Bruno can drive the Bently. ”
The House of Rosenbergs stood on a rise in the middle of a district that was called the Gold Hill.

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