An old drunk is walking down the beach

An old drunk is walking down the beach

An old drunk is walking down the beach and sees a lamp sticking out of the sand.

Thinking he can pawn it for a little drinkin money he pulls it out and rubs the side to

clean the sand off, when out pops a Genie! “I will grant you Two Wishes!” says the

Genie. The drunk says “I want a bottle of whiskey that will never go empty!” “Your wish

is granted” The old drunk looks at his hand and realizes he’s holding a full bottle of

booze. He takes a huge pull, and then watches as the bottle magically fills back up. He

takes another, even longer drink. Once again, the bottle fills back up to the top. The

Genie watches impatiently as he takes a third, and fourth, drink. Finally the Genie stops

him and says, “You’re second wish?”

The drunk says “I wan’t another bottle, just like it!”

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