Albert is tired of getting rained on all the time

Albert is tired of getting rained on all the time

Albert is tired of getting rained on all the time, finds a genie, and makes a wish. Albert is tired of getting rained on all the time, finds a genie, and makes a wish.

“I wish it would never rain on me ever again,” Albert tells the genie.

The genie passionlessly replies: “Granted!”

A few days later, a slight mist starts to fall, and Albert gets wet. So, he goes to the genie and complains, “Hey. I wished it wouldn’t rain on me. What gives?”

“Oh,” The genie replies, “this isn’t rain, it’s just a light mist.”

Albert grumbles, realizing he should have been more specific. However, as the watery downfall intensifies, Albert is still getting wet. “What about now?” Albert inquires, thinking the genie didn’t fulfill his end of the bargain.

“Now?” The genie answers, “This is a mere sprinkle, not rain.”

Albert, recognizing the emerging pattern, waits a bit, and sure enough, the volume of water coming down steadily increases. “I suppose this isn’t rain?” Albert exclaims.

“Correct. This is a drizzle,” the genie asserts.

Frustrated but determined to get his wish, Albert waits. Sure enough, the water gets heavier. “This surely must be rain, and I am still getting wet!”

The genie looks up, then back at Albert. “Nope. This is a shower, not a rain.”

“What?!” cries Albert. As he tries to consider his options, he knows the storm is just getting started, so he waits and says, “Fine! We’ll see in a moment.”

After a few moments, the water starts coming down hard and heavy. Albert and the genie are drenched. Albert stares at the genie for a moment, then asks, “Surely this must be rain, right?”

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“No,” says the genie matter-of-factly, “This is a torrential downpour.”

Albert, completely soaked, tells the genie, “You owe me a wish.”

The genie replies, “How so?”

Albert, with a resigned smirk, looks into the distance and declares, “Because this isn’t a wish, it’s a joke.”