A man and his wife went to a livestock auction

A man and his wife went to a livestock auction

A man and his wife went to a livestock auction and looked at a farmer’s selection of breeding bulls

The first pen had a sign that read: This bull mated 50 times last year.

The man’s wife playfully nudged him and said, “Wow, that’s almost once per week!”

They walked to the second pen, which had a sign that read: This bull mated 150 times last year.

The man’s wife jabbed him a bit harder and said with a smirk, “Goodness, that’s more than twice a week! You could learn a lot from him.”

They walked to the third pen, which had a sign that read: This bull mated 365 times last year.

The man’s wife aggressively elbowed him in the ribs and exclaimed, “That’s once a day! You could really learn something from this one.”

Annoyed, the man turned to his wife and said, “Go over and ask the farmer if every time was with the same old cow.”

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