A bar owner put out a sign looking to hire a piano player

A bar owner put out a sign looking to hire a piano player

A bar owner put out a sign looking to hire a piano player. A young man showed up to apply and the bar owner asked him to sit down and play. The owner was astounded by the player’s

beautiful instrumental song.

He asked: “what’s the name of that song?” The young man replied “That song is titled “ Hot Monkey Se on the Kitchen Floor”. Shocked, the bar owner said “ oh my gosh- that’s a horrible song title. But play me another one.”

The young man fired up a melody even more beautiful than the first to the astonishment of the bar owner. “ Amazing” he said. “What’s the name of that one? The young man said: “Banging

Her From Behind in the Frat House.”

“Oh my! “Said the owner. That is horrible. You are hired for Friday night, but just don’t mention ANY of your song titles!”

Friday night arrives and the young man is playing to an amazed full house of patrons. As he plays, he is pounding down beers and shots, quickly becoming drunk, but keeping his pledge

as he wows the crowd with his talent.

At one point, he stumbles off to the men’s room, and returns in a disastrous condition. One of

the patrons yells to him “Hey, do you know your pants are all wet and your dick is hanging out?!?l”

The piano player responds: “Do I KNOW it?!? Hell, I WROTE IT!!!”

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