God and the world

In the beginning was Aristotle, and dormant objects tended to rest, and moving objects tended to settle. 
Soon all the objects came to rest and God saw that this was boring. 

Then God created Newton, and resting objects tended to rest, but moving objects tended to keep moving, and energy was conserved and motion was maintained, and matter was preserved. And God saw that this was very conservative. 

Then God created Ampère, and moving objects tended to warm. But some objects were still cooling off. And God saw that this was very inconsistent.

Then God created Ohm, and moving objects began to resist the cold, but the objects also tended to give up their resistance at extremely low temperatures. And God saw that this was very cowardly. 

Then God created Joule and Thompson, and moving objects tended to cool, and compressed objects became warmer. And God saw that he did not understand this. 

Then God created X-rays, and all objects tended to become transparent, but transparent objects are invisible. And God was dissatisfied because he saw that he saw nothing. 

Then God created Kepler, and all the objects became visible again and from that point on circling around the sun, and objects close to the sun tended to move faster than sun-distant ones. And God saw that this was heresy.

Then God created Einstein, and everything was relative, and fast objects became short, and straight objects were curved, and the universe was full of moments of inertia. And God saw that this was relatively general, but something relative in particular. 

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Then God created cock, and bombarded objects tended to split, and split objects tended to split other objects, causing everything to end in chaos. And God saw that this was very dangerous. 

Then God created Bohr, and there was the principle, and the principle was the quantum, and all objects were quantified, but some objects were still relative. And God saw that this was very confusing.

Then God created me, and all objects tended to behave very strangely, and all objects would have gone into chaos if God had not noticed that this too was not entirely safe, and would not hastened to create someone else. 

Then God wanted to create Furgeson, and Furgeson would have unified, and he would have fielded a theory, and all would have been one. But it was the seventh day, and God rested, and dormant objects tended to rest.