A Woman Driving Car This Morning

A Woman Driving Car This Morning

Ah women driving!

This morning, I was on the highway heading to the office. I looked to the left and there was a woman in a brand new BMW. She was driving at 138 km / h and she was looking at herself in the mirror while applying her mascara. I looked away a few seconds and suddenly, she was halfway on my way, still putting on makeup!
it scared me so much that I dropped my electric razor, which dropped the comb I had in the other hand. In all this confusion, I tried to straighten the steering wheel with my knees, but my cell phone fell into the coffee I was holding between my knees; the hot coffee spilled and burned my family jewels, my phone is gone, and I lost communication during an important call.
Shit, I almost had an accident because of this b#tch!

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