A Man Walks into a Bar with Three Ducks – funny jokes

A Man Walks into a Bar with Three Ducks

A Man Walks into a Bar with Three Ducks. He sits down and places the ducks on the bar. To the

amazement of the bartender all three ducks can talk and they are carrying on a conversation

with the man. After a few drinks the man gets up to use the restroom and leaves the three

ducks and the bartender in awkward silence.

“So,” the bartender says looking at the first duck, “what’s you name?”

“Louie!” The first duck says.

“How’s your day been, Louie?” The bartender asks

“Good, great, grand! I’ve been in and out of puddles all day long! What else could a duck ask for?”

“What’s your name?” The bartender asks the second duck.

“Huey! And my days been good, great, grand! I’ve been in and out of puddles all day long! What else could a duck ask for?”

The bartender nods, looks at the third duck and says “Let me guess your name is Duey.”

“No” the third duck says coldly. “My name is Puddles and don’t even ask about my day!”

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