Why God Created Human And Other Animals

Why God Created Human And Other Animals

God presented himself to the donkey and said to him: You are a donkey. You work hard from morning to night, carrying heavy things on your back. You will be herbivorous and not smart. You will live 50 years.
After that the donkey thinks and says: 50 years of such life is enough! Too much ! Do not give me more than 30 years. So be it …
Then God presented himself to the dog and said to him: You are a dog. You will watch over humanity, and for that you will be the best friend of man. You will only eat leftovers and you will live 25 years.
The dog answered: Lord, 25 years of such a life is too much. Please no more than 15 years! So be it …
Then the Lord presented himself to the monkey: You are the monkey. You’ll jump from tree to tree and you’ll behave like an idiot. You will have to be funny, and like that you will live 20 years.
The monkey tells him. Lord, 20 years living as the world’s clown, it’s too much. Do not give me more than 10 years. So be it …
In the end, God appeared to the man and said to him: You are the man! The only rational being, the world will belong to you. You will use your intelligence to achieve a lot of exciting things. You will dominate the world and for that you will live 20 years!
On this man replied: Lord, to be a man only 20 years is not enough. Please, give me more, the 30 years of the donkey, the 15 of the dog, and the 10 of the monkey.
So God cared for the man to live 20 years as a man, then marry and live 30 years as a donkey, work hard from morning to night carrying heavy weights on his shoulders. Then he will have children and live 15 years as a dog, he will watch the house and he will eat what the family will leave him. Then, when he is old, he will live like a monkey for 10 years, behave like an idiot and entertain his grandchildren. So be it …

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