Dear reader, dear reader, or whoever else finds this little book!

You’ll probably be amazed by the fact that you’ll find this full-length booklet here alone. But I wanted to make sure that not every person would find it, just someone curious about the unknown and as brave as I was then. Also, you will have many questions now. Who wrote this book? Why did he or she write this book? Something happened? Why is the book in a forest? What is written in this book? And who else should find this booklet, as a reader?
Well, answers to all these questions I can give you. They are written in this book, you just have to read it. Only you should be warned. The contents of this booklet give you the view of, say, another small world. And if you do not believe in unimaginable things, or suffer from a deficiency of fantasy, for which I would like to express my condolences to you at this point, you should close this book and put it back in the tree stump where you found it. However, if this has aroused your curiosity and you do not lack imagination, then you are cordially invited to read everything here. But keep in mind that you prefer to keep this information for yourself.

I see you have decided to read on. That’s why I’m going to answer your questions now.
First to me. My name is Clarissa Johansen, I am 75 years old at the time of writing this, at the time my story begins I am 9 years old. I was blonde with my young age of 9, had blue eyes, far too many freckles on my nose, and was far too small for my age. Sometimes I would have liked the freckles would be less and I would be a few inches taller.
I was incredibly curious, had an incredible imagination, and always played in my tree house on the big chestnut tree, sinking into my daydreaming that my father had built for my six-year-older sister Cassady and myself before he died in the war. I was not very upset because at the time I was just 4 years old. Still, the treehouse meant much more to me than my sister, who would much rather go to town with her friends for tea and talk about boys. I always wondered what was so exciting about it. But what did I understand with my 9 years? My mother worked almost the whole day, so I just kept her in the morning for 10 minutes, during which she was always very hectic and highly concentrated, and looked at the weekends. At weekends, my mother always cooked potato soup and complained at lunch that my sister did not come for lunch and instead was somewhere in town. She always vowed not to let her into the city next time. And every time it came down to us once again sitting at the table and she vowed to leave Cassady next to the city.
She spent the rest of the day giving me the attention she could not give five days a week, showering me with kisses, hugs, cookies, and hot chocolate. I enjoyed it, because I could eat as many sweets as I wanted, because saying no did not bring her heart. On Sundays we went to church in the morning, which, as usual, I found quite boring and therefore, like every Sunday, was much more concerned with watching the little ball of light than listening to the priest. If I had known then what that little ball of light was, I would not have stayed so quietly on the pew.
The rest of Sunday we spent all three playing with it in the garden. Actually, only me played. My mother was sitting in the garden chair with a pot of tea and my sister was lying in the grass with a gossip and gossiping little news. My mother looks at me while playing and, as always, said that I had too much of an imagination, just like my dad.
Much too fast it was Monday again. And since my sister and I had summer holidays we could sleep in. As our mother went to work, she gave us both a big kiss on the forehead, and Cassady grimaced, said she loved us and then closed the door behind her. Not ten minutes later, Cassidy was already out the door. To tea gossip, which I did not understand anyway.
So it came about that I was alone at home all day and had to deal with myself. My toys quickly got boring and I was tired of sitting in the treehouse all day. So one day I decided to go to the forest adjacent to our house. Actually, it was forbidden to me because of all the wild animals and what if I get off the track and run away? My mother tried to scare me with scary fantasies that I did not even have the idea to go to the forest. But that was free, because I knew that was not true. I knew that no squirrel could grow into an aggressive giant that chases me until I can not breathe. Or that the gnomes and dwarfs did not like the little girls living in the forest and took them as prisoners. Presumably my mother knew that I did not believe her all that. But she did it to calm her conscience. That’s why I listened to it all.
For me, the forest was a place where so many secrets only awaited me. A place where there were elves, gnomes and dwarfs and where the animals talked to each other. The only thing that kept me from going into the forest was the silence. Because whenever I crouched in the tree house, looked into the forest and listened to hear nothing except a few isolated birds and the crickets chirping.
But today I was brave enough. I thought for a moment whether to write a note to my sister where I am. But then I thought differently. Should she get scared when she came home and I was gone. Then maybe she would realize that she should not always leave her little sister alone. As I stepped out of our front door, the two small steps down to the sidewalk, the heat came to meet me. Today it would probably be particularly hot again. Perfect for a little trip into the forest, where the trees sheltered from the hot sun. I hung the key around my neck and hopped happily in the direction of the forest entrance. When I arrived at the first tree, I stopped briefly, admiring the height of this tree, once again regretting that I was so small, and then ran into the forest. I did not walk on the way, that would have been too boring for me. I just walked across the branches and berries. I did not walk for ten minutes then I realized that I was wrong. The forest was not quiet at all and not just green. No, it was a beautiful atmosphere. The light split through the many trees and leaves, making it look like the air was glittering. You could hear all the birds chirping and if you listened carefully, the chirping merged into a wonderful concert. The crickets joined in and here and there you could hear a cuckoo call and work. The forest was not quiet at all and not just green. No, it was a beautiful atmosphere. The light split through the many trees and leaves, making it look like the air was glittering. You could hear all the birds chirping and if you listened carefully, the chirping merged into a wonderful concert. The crickets joined in and here and there you could hear a cuckoo call and work. The forest was not quiet at all and not just green. No, it was a beautiful atmosphere. The light split through the many trees and leaves, making it look like the air was glittering. You could hear all the birds chirping and if you listened carefully, the chirping merged into a wonderful concert. The crickets joined in and here and there you could hear a cuckoo call and work.
I also found a place where I sat down. It was a small tree stump on a thick other tree I was sitting on, using the tree behind me as a backrest. The branches and wild growths were flattened around the stump. In its place grew juicy green grass. This place was perfect for me and came very close to my fantasies. Now only the elves and talking forest animals were missing. But I did not really need that. It was enough for me to sit there completely, to listen to the birds and occasionally to watch this emerging cone of light. The first again away, then flew up and down and then came closer and closer. I did not know what it was. But I was not afraid of the unknown object that was flying towards me. As it approached I sat up a little and looked at it more closely. It bothered me that it looked exactly like the globe of light in the church. The light continued to approach me hesitantly. Now it was only a few inches away from my face. I reached out to touch it but it backed away. I was disappointed but as it shook my eyes. What if it was an elf? Although I had always imagined this differently, but how should I know what they looked like, I had never seen one. Knowing that this thing would do me no harm I draw my hand out to him again. Excitedly it danced back and forth, as if it would consider whether it really should be my hand. But then, hesitant, it came to me until it finally touched my hand. This time I was the one who shrugged back. When I touched the circle of light, a pleasant warmth flowed into my body and I felt as secure as in a long time. Disbelieving, I stared at the thing, probably to try to spot some figure in the light. But I saw nothing but the unaltered ball of light around which it glittered slightly and now slowly came back to my hand.
This time, I did not pull my hand back as it settled on my index finger and the light ball stayed where it was. On my face, a wide grin spread and I thought I knew that the thing was also happy, because it bounced slightly up and down. And I felt it, I felt that it hopped, as if little ruffles were just doing a dance of joy. Hesitantly I said “Hello. What’s your name? “And waited anxiously for an answer. But all I heard was the distant calls of my mother calling my name. I was startled and the little thing on my hand must have noticed that someone was getting closer to us. Because it flew to the height of my nose, so I had to squint to see it. It turned three times around its own axis and then flew away. Sadly, I followed him until my mother’s call took me out of my thoughts. I had to go home. So I got up and walked in the direction of my mother’s calls. When I saw her, she ran to me and said what she was worried about and that I should never do that again. I just nodded and followed her home, where I went to my room and sat behind my bed, from where I had a perfect view of the forest. Lost in thought, I looked at my fingers as I suddenly noticed that he was glittering. That was definitely fairy dust. So I was dealing with a little fairy. My whole fingertip was full of glitter, which gave the letter E on closer inspection. I had to go home. So I got up and walked in the direction of my mother’s calls. When I saw her, she ran to me and said what she was worried about and that I should never do that again. I just nodded and followed her home, where I went to my room and sat behind my bed, from where I had a perfect view of the forest. Lost in thought, I looked at my fingers as I suddenly noticed that he was glittering. That was definitely fairy dust. So I was dealing with a little fairy. My whole fingertip was full of glitter, which gave the letter E on closer inspection. I had to go home. So I got up and walked in the direction of my mother’s calls. When I saw her, she ran to me and said what she was worried about and that I should never do that again. I just nodded and followed her home, where I went to my room and sat behind my bed, from where I had a perfect view of the forest. Lost in thought, I looked at my fingers as I suddenly noticed that he was glittering. That was definitely fairy dust. So I was dealing with a little fairy. My whole fingertip was full of glitter, which gave the letter E on closer inspection. what she was worried about and that I should never do that again. I just nodded and followed her home, where I went to my room and sat behind my bed, from where I had a perfect view of the forest. Lost in thought, I looked at my fingers as I suddenly noticed that he was glittering. That was definitely fairy dust. So I was dealing with a little fairy. My whole fingertip was full of glitter, which gave the letter E on closer inspection. what she was worried about and that I should never do that again. I just nodded and followed her home, where I went to my room and sat behind my bed, from where I had a perfect view of the forest. Lost in thought, I looked at my fingers as I suddenly noticed that he was glittering. That was definitely fairy dust. So I was dealing with a little fairy. My whole fingertip was full of glitter, which gave the letter E on closer inspection. That was definitely fairy dust. So I was dealing with a little fairy. My whole fingertip was full of glitter, which gave the letter E on closer inspection. That was definitely fairy dust. So I was dealing with a little fairy. My whole fingertip was full of glitter, which gave the letter E on closer inspection.
I wondered why there was an E, until I remembered that I had asked for the name of the little fairy. Her name started with “E”. And since I found it stupid to call her “E”, I baptized her name “Elaine”. With a grin on my face, I snuggled into my bed and decided to go back to the forest tomorrow and visit my little fairy friend Elaine. With a pleasant grin on my face and a pleasant tingling sensation in my finger I fell asleep dreaming of fairies, dwarfs, talking foxes and lots of fairy dust.

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