An Indian man moves to America

An Indian man moves to America

An Indian man moves to America and doesn’t know a word of English so he brings he’s notepad.

He was sitting in a park and some children run pass him yelling “I did it. I did it.” so he writes that in his notepad.

Then he went for lunch and the people next to him order pasta so they say “forks and knives forks and knives” so he writes that down too.

Then he went to the church and it was someone’s wedding and

the priest says “hallelujah” so he writes that down too.

He went out of church and someone got killed so that area was surrounded. The

policeman in the middle asked who did it. The man stepped forward and said “I did it.”

The policeman asked “What did you use?” The man said forks and knives. The

policeman said “What do think about going to jail?” The man said “hallelujah.”

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