A little person arrives at a horse ranch

A little person arrives at a horse ranch

A little person arrives at a horse ranch. “Excuse me,” said the little person trying to get the attention of one of the horse caretakers. “I’m intewested in buying a howse.”

The horse caretaker, a little busy cleaning off the hooves of one of the horses, says, “I’m a little busy at the moment, do you think we could arrange an appointment?”

The little person shakes his head and says, “No, I afwaid this is vewy impowtant and I need to buy a howse uwgently. Is this howse fow sale?”

The horse caretaker, a little annoyed at the insistence of his attention, begrudgingly sighs and replies, “Yes, this horse is for sale. Can I answer any of your questions?”

The little person thinks for a moment and says, “I need you to lift me up. Can I see hew teeth”? The horse caretaker lifts up the little person so that he can get a good look in the horse’s mouth. “Anything else?”

“Yes, can I see the howth’s mane?” The horse caretaker, again a little annoyed at the request, once again lifts him up so he can touch the back of the horse.

The little person nods pleased. The caretaker slightly irritated asks, “Would you like to see anything else?”

The little person, not picking up on the irritation then asks, “Yes, can I see hew twat?” The caretaker, now thoroughly annoyed at the insistence of this little person preventing him from

finishing his daily tasks, picks up the little person and sticks his head into the rear end of the horse. After a few seconds, he takes out the little person and puts him back on the ground.

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The little person says, “Allow me to rephwase. Can I see hew wun awound?”