A little girl is riding her bike in the city

A little girl is riding her bike in the city

A little girl is riding her bike in the city. She stops at a street light, waiting for the light to change. As she waits a mounted cop pulls up on his horse. As they are waiting for the light to

change the officer looks down at the little girl, and says “That’s a really nice bike! Did Santa get it for you?” The little girl beams with pride and replies ” Yeah, Santa got it for me!” The officer

pulls out his citation book, writes the little girl a ticket, and hands it to her saying “Next year, tell Santa a reflector goes on the back of that bike.”

As the two continue to wait for the light to change, the little girl looks up at the mounted officer and asks “Hey, that’s a really nice horse, did Santa get it for you?” To which the cop

chuckles and replies “Yeah…Santa got it for me.” The little girl grins and says to the officer “Well, next year tell Santa the dick goes under the horse, not on top of it.”

Side note, this joke has gotten me out of more citations than I’d care to admit.

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