Two students are waiting to give their oral test

Two students are waiting to give their oral test

The first student’s turn comes, and she goes inside

Examiner- Suppose you are traveling by train, and suddenly it gets hot, what will you do?

Student- I will open the window.

External- Great, now suppose that the area of the window is 10 sq.ft, the volume of the car is 1000 cubic ft, the train is traveling at 60 miles/hr in the westerly direction and the speed of the wind is 20 ft/sec from the south, then how long will it take for the compartment to get cold?

The student can’t answer. After coming out she tells that question to the second student.

The second student goes in and her test starts.

External- Suppose you are traveling by train, and suddenly it gets hot, what will you do?

2nd Student- I will remove my jacket.

External- It still is hot, then what?

Student- I will remove my shirt.

External- It still is hot, then what?

Student- I will remove my pants.

External (angrily)- What are you going to do next, take off all your clothes?

Student- Yes.

External- If it still is hot, then what will you do?

Student- I will pour water on my naked body.

External (Fuming)- And what if it’s still hot and you nearly go unconscious?

Student- I will lie there all wet, butt naked, and dying a slow death, but will never ever open that god damned fucking window.

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