In every city you will find the street musicians

In every city you will find the street musicians. Some make music to supplement their studies financially, but some are poor and are dependent on every coin people in the past go throw them in the provided hat. But there is also the other side of the music. Children of rich people. You learn to play an instrument at the age of 3 years. Mostly fiddle for hours on a violin, or practice piano every day. Yes, according to the wishes of the parents, they may even become famous musicians, which of course never happens in most cases. This is the story of Andre and Gerom, who brought the wonder of music to the world. Andre is a normal 15 year old boy, his father is a diplomat in the Paris Embassy. According to his father’s will, he should become a good lawyer for him. But Andre loves music, and as a little boy he always plays piano with mother. But one day mother left the family DIVORCE. School is superfluous for him. Playing the piano that’s his world. Today is another day when Andre is not in the mood for school, so he just decides to go to the city. In the middle of the city you can find them namely, the jugglers, the musicians and the many spectators. Every morning in a shopping arcade a young man plays the violin, his name is Gerom. Gerom is about 30 years old and almost blind and therefore always plays without notes only after his hearing. When he lets his violin sound, all the people in the street come running to him. His music touches people’s hearts and some get goose bumps when he plays. But Andre heard him for the first time today, he could not believe how could someone without notes play the violin so well. When all the people had left, he talked to Gerom about his music, and playing music with him was his dream. But how to get a piano to Gerom on the street impossible, just impossible. Yes, and Father would never allow him the street music, because he hated the music sied mother had left us. Andre and Gerom became good friends The boy now visited his new friend every day on the street in the shopping arcade. But then they made a plan for making music only once. The next evening, at 12 noon, they met in front of the Paris Concert Hall. Of course this was strictly guarded. But the two of them adjusted the right moment and climbed through a toilet window into the concert hall. On the stage stood a beautiful piano, Andre sat down at the piano and played. Gerom took his violin and together they played like angels in the sky playing music. Suddenly a door opened, a girl came in and she began to sing. So clear and pure. Together they sounded like musicians from another world. However, they did not know that all speakers in the house were on. All people outside could hear them. The doors opened and the hall filled. Some just cried with emotion. The three were soon to be heard in all the concert halls in the world. The music is something that knows no language, no status, and no nationality. It touches the hearts of all people in the world. MUSIC IS LIFE AND LIFE IS MUSIC !!

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