The shop to the last hope

Each of your years begins with complete relaxation. Everything is free. Nobody has more to get. Until Christmas: one year! And this year you will not buy Christmas presents just before the festival as before, but purchase them throughout the year. Take something here, order something there. Be very easy.
Then pass weeks, months. Christmas is under control, you think. Christmas is far. After the summer holidays, mother calls: What do you want for Christmas? She would like to go … plan to go to the spa …
A feeling rises in you. Christmas! You want to know what you want. That Christmas is not coming, you wish. Or not soon. Three months left! Early October: the catalogs, Philip Morris Design Shop, Manufactum. Heine, shapely juice presses, invincible radio works, fountain pens, thick as corncobs. Since you will get something in need. This is your network. That relaxes you again.
But then December. Strangely, you always have a lot of work there. One evening you ask your wife: what she wants. (Maybe she says something.) In September she once said what she wanted, so en passant. You forgot it. You now sneaky. If you do not think of anything? Of course, you say, you just wanted to know if, in addition to what you already have, there is still a tiny wish … No, nothing. She is looking forward to the surprise. Groan. A mistake! The pressure is getting big. You can feel it, oh, how you feel it.
You’re buying smaller things now, uncles, aunts. Then the more difficult, in-laws. Son, your wife takes care of that. And your wife? Still three days. You have nothing. You have to have the Christmas tree … And the wine … Two more days. Time in the jewelry shops! Last year you gave her a ring, the last but last one a chain. This time: bangle? Bracelets are difficult. The jewelery idiots do everything possible, just not good bracelets. Everything powerful, bold, pretentious. Nothing subtle, tender, that would affect her personality, her feeling. Only one day. Six months ago, you saw a great hoarfrost. But did not think about Christmas. Idiooooott! Now there is nothing. Why did you have to commit yourself to bracelets? You are not flexible enough. Now plug in the dead end.
In the Maximilianstraße you have something nice for you bought. Archteuer, sweaty swear. It does not matter. Two hours to go! You can not come without something. Can not you give a coupon. Can not say the gift was stolen. Can not say that there is no object in the world, beautiful enough for her. Whether the store is still open? You’re sweating. It may be that everything is over tonight. That your hands will be empty. That it’s your last Christmas. That she is crying. That your son has to comfort her.
You rush into the business. The shop to the last hope. Give me a bracelet, man! You only have one? HER! This is about existence. You will say that he suits her. You know he does not suit her. You know she will say that too. You will say that you see it differently. We’ll talk. That the chunky hoop emphasizes its delicacy. The elegance of her wrist highlights. That excitement arises from this contradiction. That you think that’s nice.
Can you exchange? You can. Will you. I’ll be back. First give. That’s the most important thing now. Next year, you will be buying the gifts throughout the year. Take something here, choose something, order something there. Be very easy. Next year.

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