A Man and His Wife’s Cat

A Man and His Wife's Cat

A Man and His Wife’s Cat

A man secretly wants to get rid of his wife’s cat and decides to suspend her. He takes her into the car, drives 20 houses, puts the cat out and drives home. Ten minutes later, the cat is back.
“All right,” the man thinks, “maybe the track was a bit too short”. Sit back in the car with the cat, drive 5 kilometers and set it down. Twenty minutes later, the cat is back home.
“That’s enough!” the man thinks, takes the cat in the car and drives 20 kilometers, then through the forest, over a bridge, right, left and then finally sets the cat in the middle of the forest in a clearing.
Half an hour later, the man calls home. “Is the cat there?” he asks his wife. “Yes why?” “Get the phone, I lost my way.”

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