Identity Card (Funny Story)

Identity Card (Funny Story)

A 9-year-old girl asks her mother: 
– How old are you, Mom? 
“That does not matter, darling,” his mother replies. 
– How much do you measure, mom? 
“That’s not important, darling,” said the mother. 
– Mom, why did you and dad divorced? Ask the little girl again. 
“That does not concern you darling,” said the mother, ending the discussion. The little girl asked her best friend why adults do not talk about these things. 
His girlfriend tells him: 
– It’s really simple, all the answers to our questions are on their identity card. The next day, the girl searches her mother’s purse and finds her identity card.
She is delighted to see that her friend was right, all the answers to her questions are there! She runs to see her mother and says: 
– Mom, I know your age. 
– Ah yes ? And how old are I? 
– 36 years. And I know how tall you are. 
– Ah yes ? How many ? 
– 1 meter 71. And I also know why you and dad have divorced. 
– Well that would surprise me! 
– You had an F in sex … and here it is really not a good note!

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