All our shoes

Change the shoes and your life will change!

As long as women wear shoes that do not conform to the anatomical shape of the human foot, we are poor sufferers of the suffering. We want to endure it for hours with kinked forefoot and high heel? We do not dream of shoes that “slender foot”, but of low-heeled shoes. We have been enjoying this amenity of life recently, having experienced all the ups and downs to which we may be exposed to our feet.

We want to start with childhood, the time when the annual purchase of shoes was still a ritual; It began with a statement that our feet had grown again, led to a solemn visit to our favorite shoe store, and ended with a visit to a fast food restaurant with a drink as a reward for so much filial patience whose enjoyment the child believed he could fly: Coke. Of course, shoes were also bought: sensible, comfortable, carefully selected brand shoes. We gladly heard the story of buying shoes in former times: The most important thing was that you bought the shoes on increment, because they were not allowed to be too small so fast. To be sure, the foot was “shined through”; In the shoe store was really an X-ray machine, into which one put the tender children’s feet together with a new shoe and then saw through a magic glasses the Fußskelett in the shoe. Luckily our feet are spared this horrible procedure nowadays!

We will never forget the time when a special kind of shoes played a role: the ballet shoes! When we saw her for the first time, we did not suspect anything bad and thought she was pretty with her silky smooth, shiny appearance. But inside, they were as hard as steel – and then it was also demanded that, although clearly intended by nature for horizontal placement, we should raise ourselves to the vertical! For a few months we suffered these dislocations, and our only consolation was the beautiful music to which we should move; For a time we even forgot the discomfort we were subjected to by the magic of the notes. When we started our way home tired and exhausted, we began to hope again that this artistic interlude would not last long.

And so it was, fortunately, our mistress discovered her love of painting, an art that we enthusiastically support, as it puts little demands on the feet. Our best friends were the sneakers, but we got to know here also types of locomotion, which we would have gladly avoided: the athletics was to be enjoyed with caution. As soon as physical education was announced at school, we waited suspiciously, which would probably be required of us again this time. For example, there was a long jump: flying forward, then setting it up hard in the pit; we found it pretty pointless.

But it got even better: Suddenly we should rise after a short, quick start high in the air, hovering over a crossbar, and then, because we unfortunately do not have the skills of birds or aircraft, to land with a dull impact on a mat. The higher the rise, the deeper (and harder) the case. At first we found the so-called ball sports very funny, since the feet were mainly used for the race; however, as we were getting more and more rude kicks just because a ball was going to be carried over a net or into a basket, we changed our mind. One day we even saw people kicking the ball with their feet; surely the coach would stop this vulgarity at once, but to our astonishment he even fired this ball.

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Luckily, this strange sport seemed to be mostly done by males, so at least we were spared stress-relieved girls’ feet anyway.

With the status of adulthood, the dubious freedom was used to select shoes based solely on fashion. We all hated them and made no effort to hide our discomfort, and even to draw attention to our predicament with bruises. Then came the turnaround: Those who prefer to go to the mountains rather than dance halls need hiking boots: Comfortable, weatherproof boots with which you do not feel the stony ground were our friends. So finally resting for your feet? The next challenge for our resilience lurked just in sports: Ski boots, unfortunately not as comfortable as hiking boots, squeezed us poor feet in a strict form. What luck if they were stripped out in the evening after a long day of skiing! We were never really satisfied when we, firmly in high boots, the whole day even the skis should give the direction. We retaliated that we were getting colder and colder until our mistress felt almost no feeling. She was right when she stood for hours at the lift in icy cold and the poor toes longed to be finally moved again. The only momentum that we appreciated was the stop-off moment, because there in the warm ski hut a heavy clacking of the buckles announced the temporary opening of the ski boots and thus a bit of relief for us. when she stood at the lift for hours in icy cold and the poor toes longed to be moved again. The only momentum that we appreciated was the stop-off moment, because there in the warm ski hut a heavy clacking of the buckles announced the temporary opening of the ski boots and thus a bit of relief for us. when she stood for hours at the lift in icy cold and the poor toes longed to be moved again. The only momentum that we appreciated was the stop-off moment, because there in the warm ski hut a heavy clacking of the buckles announced the temporary opening of the ski boots and thus a bit of relief for us.

Of course we prefer to have no shoes at all! On the beach, in the soft warm sand, we feel really comfortable. And the summit of comfort is reached when we are lapped by the warm waters of the Mediterranean or at least a bathing lake. We know this well-being already from the bathtub, where we can really relax in hot water and then be pampered with a balm – that is true happiness!

However, it would be wrong to assume that the lighter the shoes that surround us, the more comfortable we feel. We remember with a shudder of a hot day in Budapest, where we walked from morning to late evening through this great city. We still heard how sneakers were recommended for this company before and were reasonably confident. But no, because they fit so well with the summer dress, sandals were chosen, a thing of a shoe consisting of a thin sole and a few straps.

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Already after the first hour it was clear that it would be a ordeal. But there was no turning back – we had to endure it for ten hours. Oh, how did we long for a refreshing bath – or at least for more suitable shoes! After we finally arrived in the hotel room, we plunged into the bathtub and would love to never get out.

After this experience, we hoped that it would be better, at least, this was sincerely assured. However, we were happy too early, because there are so many ways to maltreat his feet. We did not think we heard right when discussing heel heights of 6, 8 or even 12 cm. We swore we would not join in this folly. But although we stumbled on the beginning, our mistress was clever enough, now elegant and safe to go on 6 cm high heels. Yes, if only short distances had been, but the roads got longer and longer. We became noticeable through corns, after all, the poor toes at their most sensitive point were burdened with the entire body weight, but unfortunately we have no audible voice, with which we can express our wishes. If our mistress looked in the mirror and turned her pumps back and forth, we would have liked to tell her that she had grown big enough anyway. However, when we marched her through the city again, we saw incredible things that made us realize that we had been spared much else: other feet had to go stiffly and immobile on high thick soles – platform soles our mistress called that admiring. As she thought aloud for a dreadful moment as to whether such a thing would be suitable for her as well, we quickly refused to serve her as she passed a gutter so that she would almost have stumbled unless a stranger had intercepted her in spirit. We were very happy about that because we did not want to risk a sprained ankle. We were surprised, however, by the nature of the rescuer’s footwear:

Platform soles for men’s shoes. If it had been possible, we would have laughed at the men’s feet belonging to it. Also, the looks of our mistress, who were the male footwear, were not very flattering. We felt that this folly was out of the race with it.

Are we really happy now, after our wearer (we already mentioned that she is beautiful?) One day in a white dress with (high!) White shoes went to church to step with a man in front of the altar. We must confess that his shoes inspired us instantly, even if they are quite big: very comfortable-looking, shiny loafers, on which their wearer apparently walks safely through life. We had met them before, from our side it was love at first sight. We knew right away that these wonderful shoes would bring peace to our lives, especially since after the wedding (as they called the experience in the church!) The trend was clearly towards more comfortable footwear as we had always wished for. However, after some time, we noticed that our mistress got heavier and heavier, she had already gained a few kilos, which we also felt. We did not notice that she would eat more now, although her husband was sent late in the evening to the gas station to get gherkins, which our mistress desperately wanted. Whether it was the sour cucumber or something else, it was said that the “happy event” was imminent. And in fact, soon after, our mistress was regent and slim as before, we were usually in very comfortable shoes and, hold on tight, the cause of her weight gain and loss had been a small human being, now struggling in her arms. We did not notice that she would eat more now, although her husband was sent late in the evening to the gas station to get gherkins, which our mistress desperately wanted. Whether it was the sour cucumber or something else, it was said that the “happy event” was imminent. And in fact, soon after, our mistress was regent and slim as before, we were usually in very comfortable shoes and, hold on tight, the cause of her weight gain and loss had been a small human being, now struggling in her arms. We did not notice that she would eat more now, although her husband was sent late in the evening to the gas station to get gherkins, which our mistress desperately wanted. Whether it was the sour cucumber or something else, it was said that the “happy event” was imminent. And in fact, soon after, our mistress was regent and slim as before, we were usually in very comfortable shoes and, hold on tight, the cause of her weight gain and loss had been a small human being, now struggling in her arms. Whether it was the sour cucumber or something else, it was said that the “happy event” was imminent. And in fact, soon after, our mistress was regent and slim as before, we were usually in very comfortable shoes and, hold on tight, the cause of her weight gain and loss had been a small human being, now struggling in her arms. Whether it was the sour cucumber or something else, it was said that the “happy event” was imminent. And in fact, soon after, our mistress was regent and slim as before, we were usually in very comfortable shoes and, hold on tight, the cause of her weight gain and loss had been a small human being, now struggling in her arms.

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We immediately fell in love with his tiny tender feet, each with five rosy toes and five tiny toenails. It became clear to us that we once had to look like that. We would have liked to call to the little creature: Be good at your feet, you will need them for a long time!