Hello Doctor – where is it missing?

End of working day. The head is already full of everything that is still pending today after work: first to the dermatologist, then as usual the purchase, home, son No. 2 pick up for a performance date, possibly fitness – or rather coffee gossip at favorite friend Kathrin? Still reorganizing in thought, I stand in the practice at the reception and will fortunately be pointed by Andrea in the treatment room. A beautiful big chair stands with its back to the door in front of me as I enter the room. The doctor is still busy next door.

I just sit down, surprisingly comfortable, bob up and down, I turn bored waiting for the right and left. “A bit high this chair – where is only the lever to adjust it down for small patients?” I do not find him, “well, then not”. In front of me is the screen and I can read my data, which has called the nurse help for the doctor. I think: “I do not think it’s good that the patient has a direct insight into the PC – where is the privacy policy, what if I click with the mouse to view a different page?” My right hand carefully guides the mouse – a little nervous, not that the doctor caught me! And as if the proverbial Zehnerl had fallen in my brain in slow motion, but still it fell, the idea flashed into my head that I might be sitting in the wrong chair! My eyes sweep over the desk and lo and behold: on the other side is actually a patient adequate seating: a wooden chair! I stumble as if stung by the tarantula from the executive chair and sause with heart palpitations, red pear and sweat hands around the desk around – “Hello Doctor …” Just this embarrassing hiding and with inner laughter, I try my behavior, the woman in the mid 40, back to normal levels. on the other hand, there is actually a seating suitable for the patient: a wooden chair! I stumble as if stung by the tarantula from the executive chair and sause with heart palpitations, red pear and sweat hands around the desk around – “Hello Doctor …” Just this embarrassing hiding and with inner laughter, I try my behavior, the woman in the mid 40, back to normal levels. on the other hand, there is actually a seating suitable for the patient: a wooden chair! I stumble as if stung by the tarantula from the executive chair and sause with heart palpitations, red pear and sweat hands around the desk around – “Hello Doctor …” Just this embarrassing hiding and with inner laughter, I try my behavior, the woman in the mid 40, back to normal levels.

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The weekend is finally here, I relax in the bathtub, but not really, because already discussed again the head through, if I should stay home with my butt or go out with friends for a weekly salad. Son # 1 brings me the phone to the bathroom – shit, why did not I shut it off – and I hear it say, “the police are on it.” Zack – the relaxation that has just begun is completely gone, the adrenaline causes my blood to bubble, my head makes the unlikely, for it brings forth all imaginable possibilities and terrible things that could come to me now: “Does not the friend of my son have any Had stress with the police, or did I escape a serious traffic offense, or … “

“Winter” my bravest innermost self answers. “Hello God, Huber, police … ..” “What is it about?” “Ms. Winter, is it correct that you were with dermatologist Dr. Müller this week?” “Yes why?” “It was broken into practice.” “Err – yes – and what have I got to do with it?” “Ms. Winter, we found your fingerprints on Dr. Müller’s computer.” My thoughts gallop wildly back and forth, the heart wants to leap out of me, I consider convulsively, what I say now and almost crush the listener. That reminds me of what I have taught my children: best always say exactly how it was! But how? What will the policeman think when I tell him that I was so stupid Waiting in the wrong chair in the consulting room and playing around on the computer? I try it: “Well, you might not believe me now, but it was really so Mr. Huber, because I was as always in such stress and there, well, I’ve actually put myself in the wrong chair and I do not know why, because normally I would never do anything like that, so I used to play with the mouse in my mind … ” (very meekly) “Pardon me?” (stern) “So you looked at foreign data?” “No, honestly, there was only my data and I’ll never do that again, I promise, but that’s how my fingerprints got on the mouse.” Sip, almost choke. Suddenly I hear a familiar, laughing voice: “Hello Susie, what date do we have today? “” Robert? Are you that? Where are you? “” We’re sitting here with your friend Kathrin, who just told us about your unusual doctor’s visit this week and – please do not be angry – but today is the 1st of April … “

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