70 year old man goes out and buys himself a new sports car

70 year old man goes out and buys himself a new sports car

70 year old man goes out and buys himself a new sports car As he’s cruising down the highway at 75 mph, he sees a cop with their lights on start to give chase. Not wanting

to get a speeding ticket with his new car the old man decides to floor it and shake the cop. So he guns it 85,95, 120 MPH flying down the highway swerving in and out of

traffic. This goes on for a good hour with the cop keeping pace. Finally the old man has a change of heart and pulls over to the shoulder. The officer gets out walks up to

the old man and says. “Look I have been chasing you for over an hour and I was supposed to get off shift 30 minutes ago and REALLY do not want to fil out all the

paperwork that you are going to cause me to do. So if you can give me a damn good reason why I shouldn’t haul you off to jail, I’ll let you go with a warning.” The old man

sits thinks for a minute and goes “10 years ago my wife left me for a cop, I thought you had tracked me and were trying to return her.” The cop replies “Sir, have a good

day and remember to wear your seatbelt.”

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