Two Mentally Ill Patients In The Asylum

Two Mentally Ill Patients In The Asylum

Mathurin and Denis are two mentally ill people who reside in a psychiatric hospital. One fine day when they were passing by the pool of the hospital, Mathurin suddenly falls into the water and sinks. Denis jumps in his turn and fetch Mathurin deep to bring it to the surface. When the director of the hospital learned of Denis’ heroic act, he immediately ordered him out of the hospital because he thought he was mentally stable because of this act of bravery. The Director will meet Denis to tell him the news, he tells him:

  • Denis, I have a good and bad news to teach you! The good thing is that we let you out of the hospital because you were able to perform an act of bravery by saving another person’s life. I think you have found your mental balance. The bad thing is that Mathurin hanged himself, in the bathroom, with the belt of his dressing gown.
    Denis replied to the Director:
  • He did not hang himself. It’s me who hung it there to dry …
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