Tommy begged his father to get them a Christmas tree

Tommy begged his father to get them a Christmas tree

Tommy begged his father to get them a Christmas tree Father said no. No Christmas tree

“But daddy all my friends have Christmas trees in their house”

Father was adamant, NO Christmas tree.

Tommy pestered his father every year. Still no Christmas tree.

Finally when tommy was 10 he really begged , “Please I want a Christmas tree father”.

Unable to bear the nagging anymore, father said OKAY!

He went into the garage, picked up his axe and left.

10 minutes later he returned with a Christmas tree in his truck.

Tommy was surprised. “How did you hack a tree so quickly?”

“I didn’t hack it , I got it from the market.”

“Then why’d you take the axe along?”

“You stupid child, I DIDN’T WANT TO PAY!!!”

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