My friend the specialist seller- Funny Story

My friend the specialist seller

Once again, it was time to change something in my life! But is a housing conversion enough to change a life? Should not I first rebuild my own self a little bit? But since this is not so easy, I preferred to check the practicality of my hands and thus to rebuild my life a bit.

Like many do-it-yourself went into one of these Hyperdrübermegaheimwerkerschuppen! I entered it and already came to me the scent of the change and the change in the nose but I did not fall into the oh-so-known shopping frenzy I suffer when I enter other Hyperdrübermegashopanstalten somehow knew my spending spree that from here everything will change, only I was not aware of that and my spending spree. The aim of my trip was to buy a drill so that I could also assemble and hang the previously purchased shelf in one of the other hyper-house sales houses! Now I strolled through the corridors and searched for drills and to my surprise I found them too! Well, there I stood in front of a shelf in which were loose 150 drills (why is’ s this selection is not synonymous in other Hyperverkaufshäuser?) After the thirtieth drill, of course, I did not know which because just for my drilling purposes is the best! I had drilled in his life so far 3 holes in a wall of course was overwhelmed house-high, would lie here T-shirts or pants I would even know after the 94th part which would appeal to me the most. I went in search of a salesperson! I also found such a super-equipped info point only this info point was cleared with all the junk the people, I think, had brought back sometime! And the salesperson had probably in a compartment, his 15 subjects, which he had hidden at the info point. Because nobody was there! I ran with my Spacy Shopping Cart (jets on and off to the Enterprise) across aisle 36, 37 38, 40! And when do I see surrounded with a bunch of people? My specialist salesman! My hero! My savior! Patiently I turned on, I was in the seventh row! Christian Klien would sell this starting row as an absolute blast in Formula 1. After about 25 long minutes I had advanced to the first row! And what is my salesperson doing? He speaks to me but not the words that I would have liked to hear no but from his mouth poured the words, you could also say he nudged out the words: “Wait, I’ll be right, I must quickly checkout!” It struck me that a slightly annoyed and scratched female voice, desperately out of the 500 loudspeakers in those hypermega-overdrawers’ shingles, shouted. I waited patiently in the corridor 40 was then soon again alone. I wondered why. After 15 minutes of waiting, I knew why, my sales assistant was in gear 37 and talked to all the other buyers of drilling machines, although I think that these are not normal drill buyers but purely fumbled for years training group of fully professional machine buyers! I started again. Start row 15 or so I did not see my sales assistant unfortunately because my contact lenses unfortunately only up to 50 m clear view. I finally got to it and explained my problem with the shelf to be hung up and that I would need a drill, my salesperson listened patiently to me and then turned around and gave me Drill 134 from a very great brand that even I already knew as a loaner of names. I then made my way to the cash register which was about half a kilometer away from me! After another half hour of waiting, I paid my drill and I’m still hurting my stomach when the slightly annoyed cashier with the excited voice told me the price …. 79 euros … Well, since it was enough for me .. I paid and left the Hyperheimwerkerfachmarkt completely exhausted!
Arriving home after a 15-minute motivational march in which I mentally prepared myself to drill a hole in my hand because of my extremes of high DIY, and that would not be all that bad, I prepared everything for the 2nd Holes I had to drill afterwards were drilled quickly. I mounted the attachment for the screws and see what I’m missing! Perhaps the most important part of a drill, this part that first made a drill a drill, the “drill”.

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With this realization came suddenly again the feeling that I had previously at the cash register! My stomach contracted by half painfully. This time but not as a fright over the price but as a full-fledged hatred of my salesman, he could not push me the drill in the hand as he had done with the drill? Although I told him that I had drilled exactly 2 holes in my life so far. Heavy step went back to the hardware store at the info point at the entrance told me a nice lady Gang 39! There I was again gear 36,37,38 and gear 40! Gang 39 was hiding! Gang 39 fell into a great crevasse and was just drilling its way to the center of the earth! Gang 39 was just on lunch break. Gang 39 fell asleep at the toilet! Gang 39 it was impossible to appear! Gang 39 was on its way to Tolkien’s Mordor! My salesperson was also gone. Did he bring the drill to Mordor? And after I did not like Mordor in the movie I was not ready to follow Gang 39 to Mordor! Should they alone bring these deppaten drills there! I slid half a kilometer back to the cash register and meandered right and left over all professional drill buyers. And my shin is bleeding even now because I ran to that metal wire box where they were: drill a lot of drill line! I took a whole set of drills! Beaming that I had found a way other than gear 39 after Morder I took her out the shiny box with the dark black well-turned drills!
And if anyone is interested my hand has no hole and the wall is still standing … and the shelf is hanging! Schief … because the way back to buy a spirit level was then too much of a good thing for me!
The next time I see my salesperson, I’ll just tell him in passing: SHEP is MODERN!

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