A nervous young man was obviously embarrassed

A nervous young man was obviously embarrassed

A nervous young man was obviously embarrassed when a middle-aged woman asked if she could serve him. “N-n-n-o” he stammered “I should see the druggist” “I’m the

druggist” she replied cheerfully “What can I do for you?” “Oh… well, uh, it’s nothing important” he said and turned to leave. “Young man” said the druggist “my sister and I

have been running this drugstore for almost 30 years. There’s nothing you can tell me that will embarrass you or me” “Well, all right” he said “I have this awful erection that

keeps coming back. No matter how often I have sex, it’s up again in 10 minutes. Is there anything you can give me for it?” “Just a moment” she said, “I’ll have to discuss

this with my sister” A few minutes later she returned “The best we can offer is $1000 a week and half-interest in the business”

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