A man walks into a bar and says to the bartender

A man walks into a bar and says to the bartender

A man walks into a bar and says to the bartender “I’ve got a little man that plays the piano in my pocket.” The bartender doubts the man but the man insists “if I can show you him will you

give me a free drink” to which the bartender obliges. The man takes him out whos only about

10 inches in height and he plays a little tune. When the amazed bartender is handing the man

his free drink the man asks “If I show you how to I did it will you give me another free drink?”

The curious bartender obliges and the man says “there’s a little wizard in my other pocket that

grants wishes” the bartender hands him another free drink and the man makes his third and

final request “if I let you make a wish will you give me another free drink?” The bartender

obliges and says “I wish for a thousand bucks!” But after he says it a thousand ducks fill the

room. Angered the bartender exclaims “I DIDNT ASK FOR A THOUSAND DUCKS!” To which the

man replies “well do you think I wanted a 10 inch pianist?”

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