A man goes out bear hunting

A man goes out bear hunting

A man goes out bear hunting. He walks down a trail and sees a bear. He lines up his site, takes

a shot, misses and the bear runs up behind him and fuc** him in the ass. It then runs off

laughing. Angry, the man says “I’m gonna get that bear!” and sets out to find him again.

A little further down the trail and he sees the bear again. He lines up his site, takes a shot,

misses and the bear runs up behind him and fuc** him in the ass. It then runs off laughing.

Now furious, the man says “Im gonna kill that fuc***’ bear” and sets out to find him again.

A little further down the trail and he sees the bear again.

He lines up his site, takes a shot, misses and feels a tap on his shoulder.

He turns around and the bear goes “look, I’m starting to

think you’re actually not that bad of a shot”

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