A guy is playing golf with his wife – funny jokes and humor

A guy is playing golf with his wife

A guy is playing golf with his wife…
They’re on the 12th hole and the guy slices his tee shot right into the woods. He trudges into

the woods, and locates his ball. it’s in a little clearing, but there is a big barn between him and the green.

He takes a good look, and says, “Listen, honey, I think if you hold the barn door open, I can hit

the ball right through the barn and onto the green!” So his wife goes over and holds the door open.

The guy takes a four-iron and whack! hits the ball. The ball hits his wife right between the eyes, killing her instantly.

Well, it’s a year later, and the guy is on the same golf course with his new wife. They’re on the

12th hole and, once again, he hits a slice into the woods. Shaking his head with disgust, he

heads into the woods. Sure enough, his ball is in about the same spot. Sadly, he takes out a

seven-iron and lines up to hit the ball sideways back onto the fairway.

Before he can take the shot, his new wife says, “Honey, you know … I think I might be able to

hold the barn door open for you. That way, you can hit the ball through the barn and onto the green.”

The guy just shakes his head. “No way, dear,” he says. “I tried that last year … and ended up with a 9 on the hole.”

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