A Tourist in Jerusalem

A Tourist in Jerusalem

A tourist came to spend a week in Jerusalem. He moved to a hotel located a few meters from the Wailing Wall. Every morning, when leaving the hotel, he meets an old man who goes to pray. And in the evening, when he returns to the hotel, he systematically recrosses the same character who returns home. 

At the end of five days, the tourist ends up talking to the old man: “I saw you coming every day to pray here … How long have you spent all your days here?” 

The old man replied kindly: “Well, it’s going to be 30 years old.” 

“30 years of prayers!” Says the tourist, “it’s wonderful … and if it’s not indiscreet: who are you praying for?”

The man confides: “In the morning, I pray for peace in the world and fraternity among men, and in the afternoon I pray to find a solution to the problem of famine in the world and to overcome the diseases of the world. the surface of the planet … “” It’s admirable! “, remarks the tourist before asking:” and what do you feel when you pray in this sacred place? ” 

 And the old man: “Bah … I feel like talking to a wall.”

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